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Hydropool's Exclusive Wellness Programmes

Overview of Hydropool's Integrated Wellness Programs

At the touch of a button on your Self-Cleaning Hydropool Hot Tub, you can activate the program that suits your needs best. These programs take the guesswork out  of using Zone Therapy and giving you more time to relax and heal.

Types of Hot Tub Massage

What is Hydropool's Massage Zone Therapy?

Hot Tub Zone Therapy & Benefits

Experience the world beneath the surface of your Hydropool hot tub. Backed by cutting-edge science, our Zone Therapy goes beyond a simple soak. It's your personalized roadmap to well-being, designed to address your unique needs.


We understand everyone responds differently to hydrotherapy. That's why we've created a clear guide to the four key zones within your hot tub. Each zone targets specific areas of your body, offering targeted massage experiences to optimize your relaxation and rejuvenation.


In your Self-Cleaning Hot Tub experience Zone Therapy at the touch of a button, just choose your Wellness Program in the menu and follow the LED Lights to know which seat to use and then switch to. In your Serenity model, use the Wellness Guide provided upon installation to self-direct your own massage program. 

Zone 1 Core Zone

Paravertebral muscles.


Vertebral (your spine) fatigue can contribute to headaches. Zone Therapy is designed to release tension in your dorsal muscles which can help to relax around your vertebrae. 

Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Zone 2 Overall Body

Leg and lumbar muscles.


 This zone helps to promote improved circulation in lower parts of the body which allows for increased blood flow & lightens legs. 

Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Zone 3 Upper Body Zone

Upper back, neck & shoulder muscles.


This zone eliminates tension in trapezoid muscles and neck, specifically releasing tensions in solar plex area. 

Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Zone 4 Reflexology

Foot arch muscles.


With our feet playing such a critical role in our overall physical health, and taking the brunt of most sportsplay, this zone is designed to deeply massage the small venous areas in your foot arch. â€‹

Hydropool's 4 Aspects of Zone Therapy

1. Jet Placement
Our hydrotherapy jets are specifically designed for each zone so that the superior benefits of hydrotherapy are achieved. Different jet patterns are designed to work different muscle groups.


2. Duration in Seat
The last component of Zone Therapy is the duration of time that a person spends in each seat of the hot tub. Duration in seat combined with the sequence of seats

is critical to the performance of Zone Therapy.


3. Type of Jets
The type of jet is crucial to a proper massage. Our E55 Jet is designed purposely for a deep tissue massage and our E40 Jet is designed for a gentle massage.



4. Seating Designed Around You
Designed to work with your body’s natural structure and functions to provide maximum comfort and functionality, our ergonomic seats support the skeletal structure so that the muscular system doesn’t have to. It removes stress from muscles and joints so that the body relaxes.


Overwhelmed by the Sheer Number

of Hot Tub Brands?


If you're lost in a sea of buzzwords or tangled in industry lingo- look no further than this guide with our expert knowledge of what to look for in a hot tub brand. Explore key elements of a hot tub purchase such high quality insulation, pump performance, noise levels, and more! Compare the monthly price of a hot tub across our range and other brands while using our handy Hot Tub Buyer's Checklist to make an informed decision.


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